Newyddion Diweddaraf/ Latest News

Newyddion Diweddaraf /Latest News 

23.07.24 Maes Parcio Gorslas 

  • Mi fydd maes parcio Gorslas ar gau o Ddydd Mercher 24 o Orffennaf am tua 6 wythnos er mwyn gwaith Iechyd a Diogelwch hanfodol. Mi fydd maes parcio Ysgol Gorslas ar Heol yr Eglwys ar agor. Ymdiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra.

Gorslas Car Park 

  • The car park in Gorslas will be closed from the 24th of July for approximately 6 weeks for essential health and safety maintenance. Gorslas School car park on Church Rd will be open. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Baw Cwn:

  • Mae hyn yn broblem ym mharcie Gorslas, Drefach a Chefneithin. Er fod y rhan helaeth o berchnogion yn codi a bagio y baw mae na nifer fach sydd ddim yn gwneud. O ganlyniad mae plant bach sy’n chwarae yn y parc wedi codi y baw ar ei sgydiau neu dwylo. Cyngor swyddogion y Cyngor Sir ydy i chi beidio ceisio taclo yr unigolion yma eich hunan. Fe ddylid cofnodi ddigwyddiadau o’r fath ar wefan y Cyngor Sir trwy ddefnyddio y ddolen gyswllt canlynol. Nid oes rhaid rhoi eich manylion personol.

neu trwy e bostio

Dog Fouling:

  • This a problem in Gorslas, Drefach and Cefneithin Parks. Although most owners pick up after their dogs a small number of irresponsible owners do not. As a result small children innocently playing in the parks have trodden in the dog mess or got it on their hands. The advice from the County Council is not for the public to directly approach to the owners in such circumstances. They are advised to report any such incidents to the County Council using the following link

Alternatively you can e mail the County Council direct at

04.08.23 Cysgodfan Bws Heol Blaenhirwaun ger Llwyn Onn Drefach.

  • Ar ol ymgynghoriad, ac o ganlyniad i ddifyg defnydd fel cysgodfan bws,  mae yr  cysgodfan nawr wedi dymchwel.

04.08.23 Bus Shelter Heol Blaenhirwaun, near Llwyn Onn Drefach.

  • Following consultation, and due to lack of use as a bus shelter, the building has been demolished.

15.07.23 Cefneithin MUGA 

  • Gwaith trwsio wedi cwbwlhau ar ol i’r llinelle gwyn a’r smotyn gwyn ar ol fandaliaeth. Cost i’r trethdalwr o £1,200.

15.07.23  Cefneithin MUGA.

  • Repairs completed with white lines and penalty spot replaced after vandalism. Cost to the tax payer of £1,200.

06.07.23 Buddsoddiad Parc Drefach wedi cwbwlhau 

  • Mae’r Cygor Cymuned wedi buddsoddi tua £55k i gael offer a arwynebedd newydd yn y parc.
  • Mae wedi trawsnewid y lle chwar. Fantastic.

06.07.23 Investment in Drefach Park Play Equipment.  

    • The Community Council has invested £55k in new play equipment and surfaces in the park.  
    • It has transformed the play  area. Fantastic.

02.07.23 Digwyddiad i Gofio Joe o Drefach.

  • Dydd  Sul 02.07.23 fe ddaeth tua 60 o yrrwyr First Cymru, teulu a ffrindiau Joe ( Eifion Lewis) at ei gilydd i gofio amdano a dadorchuddio plac i gofio amdano. Un ar sedd ger safle bws ar sgwar Drefach ac un arall ar sedd roedd gyrrwyr First Cymru wedu cyfranu yn hael iawn iddi yn parc Drefach.
  • Diwrnod o deimladau cymysg gyda ambell stori a atgof doniol wedi rhannu.

02 07 23 Commemorative Event to Remember Joe from Drefach.

    • On Sunday 02.07.23 some 60 First Cymru bus drivers, family and fries of Joe( Eifion Lewis) came together to remember him and to unveil commemorative plaques.  One on the bench by the bus shelter at Dreafch square and the other on a bench in Drefach Park which the bus drivers had contributed very generously towards.
    • It was a day of mixed emotions for all with memories and the occasional some funny story being shared.

3.0 Bwriad i Ddymchwel Cysgodfan Bws Lwyn Onn ,  Heol Blaenhirwaun Drefach .Clicwch y linc isod am fanylion.


24 01 23 MUGA Parc Cefneithin ar Gau.
Yn dilyn digwyddiad o ddifrod i’r uned yn anffodus, i sicrhau diolgelwch defnyddwyr roedd rhaid i’r Cyngor gau yr adnodd.
Mae hyn yn golled i’r Gymuned a hefyd i Ysgol Cefneithin oedd yn defnyddio yr MUGA ond rhaid oedd rhoi diolgelwch yn gyntaf. .
Mae gontractwr wedi cael ei apwyntio i atgyweirio y difrod ond mi fydd hyn yn cymerid amser.
Yn y cyfamser mae’r Cyngor yn ystyried y trefniadau presenol a mynediad y cyhoeddus i’r MUGA.
24 01 23 Cefneithin Park MUGA: Closed 
Following damage to the facility the Council has had to close the MUGA to ensure the safety.
It is appreciated that this is a loss to he local Community and in particular to the children of Cefneithin CP School however safety had to be the over-riding priority.
A contractor has been appointed to repair the damage however completing the work will take some time.
In the meantime the Council is reviewing the current arrangements and the general availability of the MUGA.
15 01 23 Toiledau Cyhoeddus Ar Gau. 
Yn dilyn dau ddigwyddiad o ddifrod, ac un o ddechrau tan yn y toiledau , yn anffodus mae’r Cyngor wedi penderfynu cau yr adeilad am gyfnod.
Mae’r Heddlu yn ymchwilio i’r digwyddiadau a wedi cael copi o’r rhannau perthnasol o’r recordiad teledu cylch cyfyng.
15 01 23 Gorslas Park Public Conveniences. Closed. 
Following two incidents of damage to the facility and an attempt to set the building alight regrettably the Council has had to make the difficult decision to close the toilets for a period.
The Police have been provided with the relevant CCTV footage and are investigating.



Parc Gorslas : Lloches Ieuenctid. 

Ar ol nifer o achosion o ymddygiad gwrth gymdeithasol a cynnau tan a phryderon wrth  yr heddlu mae y Cyngor wedi penderfynu fod rhaid cael gwared o’r unded. Disgwylir i’r gwaith gael ei gwbwlhau o fewn wythnos. Wrth wneud y penderfyniad gobeithi y Cyngor yn fawr iawn fyd ieuenctid yn medru elwa o’r adnodde cymunedol fydd ar gael ar safle ysgol newydd cynradd Gymunedol Gorslas.   

Gorslas Park: Teen Shelter

After a number of incidents of anti social behaviour and the setting of fires and concerns expressed by the police the Council has resolved to remove the shelter. The work will begin immediately and is expected to be completed within a week. In reaching this difficult decision the Community Council were mindful of the alternative options which the community facilities at the new Gorslas Community Primary school could offer youngsters.      



Parc Gorslas: Ardal Chwarae yn ail-agor wedi buddsoddiad o £100k. 

Am anrheg Nadolig! Mae’r ardal chwarae yn ail agor ar ôl buddsoddiad o £100k gan y Cyngor Cymuned, wedi’i ariannu o gronfa adran 106 y Cyngor Sir, yn ogystal â chyfraniad hael iawn gan Bwyllgor Llesiant Gorslas. Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a fu’n rhan o’r cais.

Gorslas Park : Play Area re-opens after £100k Investment 

What a great Christmas present! The play area in the park has re-opened following a £100k investment in new play equipment following a successful bid by the Community Council for the release of section 106 monies for the area, together with a very generous donation from Gorslas Welfare Association. Thank you to everyone involved.

Parc Cefneithin. Darparu Offer Newydd.

Disgwylir i’r gwaith o ddarparu offer newydd yn y parc gael ei gwbwlhau erbyn dydd Gwener 17.12.21.

Cefneithin Park: Provision of new Play Equipment 

It is expected that works to provide new play equipment  will be completed during w/e 17.12.21

Cysgodfan Parc Gorslas
Oherwydd ymddygiad annerbyniol cyson gan rai unigolion, mae’r Cyngor wedi derbyn sawl cais i gael gwared o’r Gysgodfan i Bobl Ifanc ym mharc Gorslas.
Fel drafodwyd yn y cyfarfodydd agored gyda chynrychiolwyr yr heddlu ac eraill y bore ‘ma (sy’n cydweithio i geisio datrys y sefyllfa) mae’r Cyngor hefyd yn ymwybodol y byddai cael gwared y Gysgodfan yn gallu symud y broblem o ymddygiad gwael i leoliadau eraill yn yr ardal.

Os oes gennych farn, syniadau neu sylw ar y mater felly, byddai’r Cyngor yn ddiolchgar o’u derbyn drwy ebost – cyn diwedd y mis – er mwyn gallu eu hystyried cyn dod i benderfyniad:

Cysgodfan/ Teen Shelter Parc Gorslas
Cysgodfan/ Teen Shelter Parc Gorslas
Teen Shelter Parc Gorslas
Due to continuous unnacceptable behaviour by certain individuals, the Council has received requests to remove the ‘Teen Shelter’ in Gorslas Park.
As discussed in the open meetings held this morning with Police and other services (collaborating to try to solve such issues), the Council is also very aware that getting rid of the shelter may merely move the behavioral problems to other locations in the area.
If you have an opinion, ideas or comments on the issue, the Council would welcome them via email – before the end of the month – in order to consider them before coming to a decision:



Parciau a mannau chwarae                                  

Cais am Gyfarpar Chwarae Newydd

Mae’r Cyngor Cymuned wedi cyflwyno cais i Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin am gyllid o oddeutu £93K er mwyn adnewyddu cyfarpar chwarae ym mharciau Gors-las a Chefneithin. Mae’r cyllid – sy’n cael ei alw’n arian Section 106 – yn deillio yn sgil datblygiadau diweddar mewn adeiladu tai newydd yn yr ardaloedd hyn.

Mae hon yn fenter gyffrous sydd wedi tarddu o drafodaethau gyda disgyblion ysgolion cynradd Gors-las a Chefneithin. Mae Cymdeithas Llesiant Gorslas hefyd wedi bod yn rhan o’r trafodaethau, ac wedi ymrwymo i dalu gwariant ychwanegol o £6K i brynu offer i Barc Gors-las yn benodol.

Dros y blynyddoedd diweddar, bu’n rhaid tynnu nifer o’r cyfarpar chwarae o’r parciau oherwydd eu hoed a’u cyflwr. Os yw’r cais yn llwyddiannus fodd bynnag, yna bydd gan y parciau hyn offer newydd erbyn mis Medi/Hydref, gobeithio.

Gellir gweld manylion y cynlluniau yn y lluniau isod, ac mae’r Cyngor yn gwahodd sylwadau trigolion lleol arnynt, drwy eu danfon at:

Byddwn yn rhoi diweddariad ar y mater cyn gynted ag y bydd penderfyniad ar y cais.

Er bod y cyllid Section 106 yn cyfyngu’r cais cyfredol ac yn nodi’r symiau allai fod ar gael i barciau Gors-las a Chefneithin, dymuniad y Cyngor Cymuned yw i wella’r adnoddau sydd yn ei holl barciau. Bydd felly yn parhau i fod yn rhagweithiol wrth edrych am gyflëoedd pellach i gyllido gwelliannau i adnoddau Drefach, Cefneithin a Gors-las.

Plan A
Cynllun Cyfarpar Parc Cefneithin Cefneithin Park Equipment plan
Plan B
Cynllun Cyfarpar Parc Gorslas Gorslas Park Equipment Plan

Parks and Play Areas

New Play Equipment Bid 

The Community Council has submitted a bid to Carmarthenshire County Council for funds amounting to £93k to update play equipment in Gors-las and Cefneithin parks. The funding – known as Section 106 monies – derives from recent new housing developments in these areas. 

This is an exciting initiative stemming from previous discussions with pupils at Gors-las and Cefneithin Primary Schools. Gors-las Welfare Association have also been involved in the initiative and have generously agreed to donate an additional £6k for the purchase of specific equipment for Parc Gors-las.

Over recent years, several play items have had to be removed from the parks due to their age and condition. However, should the bid prove successful, the parks will have new items of equipment in place by September/October, hopefully.

Details of the proposals are provided below, and the Council welcomes residents’ views on the plans which can be emailed to:

We will give an update on the bid as soon as a decision is made.

Whilst the Section 106 requirements limit the current bid and stipulates the funds available to both Gors-las and Cefneithin parks, the Community Council wishes to improve facilities in all its parks.  It will therefore continue to be proactive in looking for further funding opportunities to upgrade facilities at Drefach, Cefneithin and Gors-las Parks.      

Caets Chwarae Cefneithin MUGA

Bydd parciau yn aros ar agor cyhyd â bod y canllawiau ar yr arwyddion yno yn cael eu dilyn. Os na ddilynir y canllawiau yna bydd y Cyngor yn cadw ei hawl i gau y cyfleusterau.

Nid yw’r offer nac arwynebeddau cyfleusterau yn y parciau, mannau chwarae na thoiledau cyhoeddus Gorslas yn cael eu glanhau’n hylan. Mae defnyddwyr felly yn gyfrifol am eu Iechyd a’u Diogelwch eu hunain, yn ogystal â’r rheiny dan eu gofal,  a dylid dilyn y cyngor a’r canllawiau ar yr arwyddion bob amser.

Cadwch eich pellter.

Mae’r canllawiau hyn wedi eu llunio i geisio: rheoli lledaeniad coronafirws; arbed bywydau, ac ysgafnhau y pwysau sydd ar y Gwasanaeth Iechyd a gweithwyr gofal. Mwynhewch yr adnoddau felly gan ddilyn y canllawia

Parks will remain open subject to adherence to the guidelines provided on signage in those areas.  Should the guidance not be followed, the Council will maintain its right to close the facilities.   

The equipment and surfaces in the parks, play areas and Gors-las Toilets are not sanitised. The responsibility for Health and Safety – as well as those in your care – rests with users. Do not ignore the advice and guidance as stated on the signage.

Keep your distance from others. 

The guidelines are there to help control the spread of coronavirus; save lives, help the NHS and our care workers. Please enjoy the facilities by following the advice given


Cymorth yn ystod Covid19 Os ydych chi (neu gydnabod) angen cymorth neu gyngor, neu yn dymuno gwirfoddoli i gynorthwyo yn ystod yr argyfwng, ewch i wefan Cyngor Sir Gâr sy’n cynnwys gwybodaeth, cyngor a manylion cyswllt sefydliadau all helpu

Help during Covid19                   If you (or someone you know) needs help or advice or want to volunteer to help during the current crisis, go to Carmarthenshire County Council‘s homepage for information, advice and contact details on organisations that can help.  


Gors-las yn ennill Medal Aur yn Wobrau Cenedlaethol Tŷ Bach y Flwyddyn 2019

  • Mae Gwobrau Tŷ Bach y Flwyddyn yn gystadleuaeth genedlaethol fawreddog o fewn y diwydiant
  • Beirniadwyd miloedd o doiledau yn y DG yn dilyn ymweliadau lleoliad di-rybudd oedd yn asesu 101 o gategorïau gwahanol
  • Dyma’r eildro i gyfleusterau Gorslas ennill gwobr yn dilyn camp tebyg yn 2018

December 2019. Gorslas wins Gold Standard Award at National Loo of the Year Awards 2019.

  • The Loo of the year is a prestigious national award within the industry.
  • Thousands of toilets in the UK were assessed by judges following unannounced site visits and covering 101 different categories.
  • This is the second occasion the Gorslas facilities have won the award having done so in 2018 as well.


Parc Chwarae Cefneithin: Argymhelliad i drosglwyddo tir i Gymdeithas Llesiant Cefneithin a Foelgastell

  • Ar hyn o bryd Y Cyngor Cymunedol yw perchennog y parc gan gynnwys Y Neuadd a’r tir o’i amgylch
  • Mae’r Cyngor Cymuned yn ymwybodol o gefndir sefydlu’r Neuadd a’r rhan a chwaraeodd Y Gymdeithas Llesiant ac eraill yn hynny
  • Mae’r Cyngor yn ystyried trosglwyddo perchnogaeth y neuadd a chyfran o dir cyfagos i’r Gymdeithas Llesiant gyda’r amod y gall ond gael ei ddefnyddio at bwrpas neuadd bentref, ac y byddai’n dychwelyd at berchnogaeth y Cyngor pe na byddai’n cael ei ddefnyddio i’r pwrpas hwnnw neu bod y Gymdeithas Llesiant yn darfod.
  • Does dim penderfyniad terfynol wedi’i wneud eto. Os oes gennych unrhyw farn neu sylwadau ar y cais danfonwch nhw at y Clerc erbyn Mawrth 2il, 2020
  • Dangosir y tir dan ystyriaeth i’w drosglwyddo o fewn y llinellau coch ar y mapiau sydd i’w gweld drwy’r doleni isod

Y Neuadd, Cefneithin & Folgastell Welfare Hall Parc Cefneithin A3 Location plan 12 12 19

Y Neuadd Cefneithin
Y Neuadd, Cefneithin

Cefneithin Recreational Park: Proposed Transfer of Land To the Cefneithin and Foelgastell Welfare Association.

  • The Community Council is currently the legal owner of the park including the Hall and surrounds.
  •  The Community Council is aware of the background to the establishment of the hall and the role which the Welfare Association and others played in its establishment.
  • The Council is considering transferring ownership of the hall and surrounds to the Welfare Association with a requirement it can only be used as a village hall and would return to the Council’s ownership if either it was not used for this purpose or the Welfare Association ceased to exist.
  • A final decision has not yet been made. If you have any views or observations you wish to make in relation to the proposal forward them to the Clerk by the 2nd March,2020.
  • The area being considered for transfer is shown on the attached plan on the links above as being within the red lines



Parc Gorslas: Cwblhau Trosglwyddiad Tir ar gyfer Ysgol Newydd

Gorslas Park : Completion of Land Transfer for New School.  


Offer Chwarae Newydd ym Mharciau Gorslas a Drefach

  • Bu cais gan Y Cyngor Cymuned am grant o £10K ar gyfer offer chwarae newydd yn llwyddiannus
  • Galluogodd yr arian bwrcasu dwy siglen fasged ym mharciau Drefach a Gorslas gan ddisodli yr hen rai oedd angen eu hadnewyddu

New Play Equipment Gorslas and Drefach Parks.

  • A bid by the Community Council  for grant assistance for £10k of new play equipment was successful.
  • The money provided two new basket swings at Drefach and Gorslas Parks replacing the two existing units which were in need of replacement.

Newyddion Arall

  • Gallwch weld rhestr o gysylltiadau a gwefannau yn y gymuned yma
  • Mae gan y Cyngor Cymuned gronfa fechan i gynnig cymorth i grwpiau cymunedol o fewn ei ffiniau etholaethol. Mae ceisiadau yn cael eu hystyried ddwywaith y flyddyn – yng nghyfarfodydd Mehefin a Ionawr y Cyngor. Os ydych angen rhagor o wybodaeth ynglŷn â’r gronfa cysylltwch â’r Clerc, Llew Thomas yma.
  • Mae copïau o Gorslas Village History Book ar gael o hyd. Cysylltwch â Mr. Terry Davies (01269) 842784 os hoffech gopi.
  • Mae’r Cyngor Cymuned wedi’i gysylltu ag Un Llais Cymru (One Voice Wales). Dyma’r sefydliad sy’n cynrychioli Cynghorau Tref a Chymuned yng Nghymru. Mae mwy o wybodaeth yma.

Other News. 

    • You can view a list of Contacts and Websites in the community Here
    • The Community Council has a small fund that can provide financial assistance to community groups within its electoral area. Applications are considered twice a year – at the June and January meetings of the Council. If you require further information about the fund please contact the clerk, Llew Thomas, from Here
    • Copies of the Gorslas Village History Book are still available. Please contact Mr. Terry Davies (01269) 842784 if you would like a copy.
    • The Community Council is affiliated to One Voice Wales (Un Llais Cymru). It is the organisation that represents Town and Community Councils in Wales.
      There’s more information about One Voice Wales here.